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EDGE has announced the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) to jointly design a first-in-class series of 17m Unmanned Surface Vessels (USV) for the entire range of military and commercial applications. EDGE is leveraging its entity ADSB to collaborate with the Israeli defence company in the development effort. While ADSB will design the platform, integrate the control systems & payload and develop the Concept of Operations, IAI will develop the autonomous control system and integrate various mission-payloads to the control system units according to the mission requirements.

Comprising advanced sensors, sonars and imaging systems that are integrated into a unified command and control system, the USV can operate either remotely, semi-autonomously, or autonomously, requiring no human intervention, according to the companies’ press release.

Military applications for the USV are to include:

  • ISR
  • border and littoral zone patrol
  • maritime security operations
  • mine detection and sweeping
  • submarine detection and anti-submarine warfare
  • deployment platform for VTOL vehicles

Non military roles for the USV also include:

  • oceanography
  • pollution monitoring
  • oil and gas exploration
  • transportation of materials and liquids
  • search and rescue
  • fire-fighting and first interventions