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The Norwegian procurement agency Forsvarsmateriell (FMA) has awarded Hensoldt a contract to supply several MSSR 2000 ID secondary radars and LTR400 DNG transponders, including cryptography and test equipment and associated services. According to Hensoldt, the contract for the Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) products has a volume of approximately €15M.

Known as IFF systems, the secondary radars identify aircraft by automatically sending interrogation signals that are answered by so-called transponders on board the friendly aircraft. The IFF enables differentiation between friendly and enemy forces and helps to avoid friendly fire incidents.

The new “Mode 5” uses encryption techniques to avoid enemy signal manipulation, reportedly making the identification process reliable and secure. Mode 5 is currently being introduced in all Western armed forces. They are a prerequisite for joint operations between US, NATO and other allied forces.

Operating in accordance with the NATO Mode 5 standard, the IFF systems for Norway are integrated with land installations.

Hensoldt’s Mode 5 IFF clients include the German, French and British forces. According to the company, more than 600 IFF systems in 42 countries are under contract.