The MBDA-led HYpersonic Defence Interceptor Study (HYDIS2) consortium’s proposal for an examination of hypersonic defence concepts has been proposed for funding by the European Commission, MBDA announced on 2 August 2023.
The proposal, for a concept architecture and technology maturation study in relation to an endo-atmospheric interceptor that would protect against new high-end emerging threats, was proposed for funding by the European Commission following a positive evaluation on 12 July 2023. The study would be done under the framework of the European Defence Fund 2023 work programme.

The HYDIS2 consortium comprises 19 partners and more than 20 subcontractors across 14 European countries. It brings together defence companies, small/medium enterprises, institutions and academia to gather the best competences in missile defence from across the European Union. France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands have already confirmed their support and commitment to the initiative by signing a letter of intent and agreeing on initial common requirements.
The objective of HYDIS² is to study various interceptor concepts and bring to maturity the associated critical technologies needed to deliver the best counter-hypersonic and anti-ballistic interception solution that fulfils the four member states’ requirements and addresses the needs of the European Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) Timely Warning and Interception with Space-based Theater Surveillance (TWISTER) capability programme. This is a central element of the contribution of European states to the mission of defending populations and armed forces against the emerging threat from hypersonic weapons.
HYDIS² contributes to the MBDA’s Aquila research and development project, which is studying the most valuable counter-hypersonic interceptor concepts for European nations.
The HYDIS² consortium’s partners are ArianeGroup, AVIO, Avio Aero, Bayern-Chemie, CIRA., DLR, GKN Fokker, LYNRED, MBDA España, MBDA France, MBDA Germany, MBDA Italia, OHB System AG, ONERA, ROXEL France, THALES LAS France, TDW, THALES Netherlands and TNO.
Peter Felstead