The US State Department has approved a potential Foreign Military Sale to Oman of TOW 2B RF (BGM-71F-7-RF) anti-tank missiles, the US Defense Security Co-operation Agency (DSCA) announced on 3 October 2023.

The sale, which includes support and related equipment and is worth an estimated USD 70 M (EUR 66.6 M), has been forwarded to the US Congress for final approval.

Oman has requested to buy 301 TOW 2B RF missiles, which use a stealthy radio-frequency command link to dispense with the TOW missile’s traditional wire guidance system (TOW originally stood for ‘Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided’). The Royal Army of Oman already has wire-guided TOW 2A/B missiles in its inventory.

TOW 2B RF missiles have a range of 4.5 km and are compatible with in-service TOW launchers.

The principal contractor for this sale is Raytheon Missiles & Defense out of its facilities in Tucson, Arizona.

US soldiers with the Vermont National Guard firing a TOW missile from a Humvee at Fort Drum, New York, in June 2017. Oman has requested the wireless version of the missile. (Photo: US Army)