It is with great pride I can share the news that European Security & Defence has received 15 nominations at the 2023 Defence Media Awards. This is an extremely impressive result, and I’m very grateful to all of our contributors and ESD staff who worked so hard to help make this happen – well done all of you!
The feat rounds off a year where we have worked very hard to drive up our standards, and over 2023 we have really striven to push forward on quality compared with previous years. On my part, it feels incredibly rewarding to have these efforts translate into more nominations than ever before, having personally edited all but one of the articles nominated, and after just 10 months in the post.
It has been heartwarming to see ESD grow in such a promising direction, and we don’t plan to stand still. In February, we brought the one and only Peter Felstead on board as our News Editor, and several further exciting changes are planned for the near future.
ESD looks forward to attending the Defence Media Awards, and of course we will also be staying for AUSA. Good luck to all of our contributors in the awards, and to everyone nominated!
Mark Cazalet