Nowadays, no naval vessel or deployed military asset operates in a vacuum; they are interconnected, interrelated and need to be aware of their peers, adversaries and the maritime environment around them. Navies can enhance their knowledge and expertise using modern technologies such as digital solutions which can provide better accuracy, more precise positioning and a holistic understanding of location.
Data-driven solutions are able to visualise, monitor, analyse and simulate changes to provide the highest quality information; specifically, 3D data visualisation helps navigate challenging waters for military planning and operations. These modern technologies, called smart digital realities, redefine the notion of what’s real.

Most people are familiar with a digital twin, which is a virtual representation of real-world entities and processes, synchronized at a specified frequency and fidelity. While digital twins have existed for many years, in the form of C2, charts, models and more, they are often a historical view of data and state of a situation, or a prediction.
A Smart Digital Reality, however, is the fusion of the physical world and the digital world in near real-time — no longer two separate realities. It is the state where all data is wholly available with full context and in one place.
With the proliferation of IoT sensors in the maritime environment, commanders have more data available to them than ever before. This data provides commanders a view of what is happening now in their areas of interest. Having full knowledge of data provides a complete operational picture to every situation in an ever-changing world. The existing state of smart digital realities, their data needs, examples of use cases and software options are the focus of our white paper.
For defence, utilising a Smart Digital Reality can give commanders decisive advantages. The collation of differing data sources – civilian and military – helps provide real-time situational awareness above and below the water.
Read the white paper to learn more about Smart Digital Realities here.