A topping-out ceremony for the construction of Finland’s F-35 engine assembly and maintenance facilities in Linnavuori, Nokia, was held on 14 March. 2025.
The milestone marked the conclusion of the building phase of the facilities, which are due to be completed in the autumn of 2025.
The site, which will be run by Patria, will initially serve as an assembly facility for the F135 engine used by the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and later as a maintenance facility for the powerplant. Its establishment is being implemented according to the goals and safety requirements set by the international, Lockheed Martin-led F-35 programme and by Pratt & Whitney: the US manufacturer of the F135 powerplant.
The construction of the new facilities is being managed by Puolustuskiinteistöt, which is responsible for the properties of the Finnish Defence Administration. They are the only facilities of their kind in Finland and will support Finnish F-35 operations throughout the fighter’s lifecycle in Finnish service.
“The maintenance and support capability of the F135 engines being built in Linnavuori, Nokia, and the resulting expertise in Finland strengthens the military security of supply of the F-35 system,” Patria quoted Finnish Defence Minister Antti Häkkänen as saying in a company press release. “Building maintenance capability domestically helps ensure that the Finnish Air Force’s F-35 fighter jet engines can be kept operational in all conditions,”
“The Linnavuori construction project involves an exceptionally large number of different parties, and we have regularly reviewed construction plans and progress with them,” added Matias Warsta, CEO of Defence Properties Finland. “All American inspections have been successfully passed.”
Petri Hepola, Patria’s chief programme officer for the F-35, noted at the topping-out ceremony, “Co-operation in the Linnavuori construction project between all parties has been smooth, and we are progressing on schedule. At Patria, we are pleased and proud to be building and developing new F-35 capabilities together, which today’s ceremony celebrates.”
Patria signed an agreement with Pratt & Whitney in 2024 that covers the assembly of F135 engines and components between 2025-2030, followed by a transition to F135 engine maintenance, repair, overhaul and upgrade (MRO&U) operations from 2030.
The Finnish Air Force has a programme of record for 64 F-35As.