Start Keywords Luca Peruzzi

Keyword: Luca Peruzzi

Main AESA Radar Solutions on Both Sides...

All new generation fighters are produced with the Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar, and...

DIMDEX 2022 Report

The seventh edition of the Doha International Maritime Defence Exhibition and Conference (DIMDEX 2022),...

Coastal Defence Missile Systems – A ground-based...

As seen with the recent anti-ship operations in Russia’s war against Ukraine, the latter’s...

Italy & UK Announce FCAS Cooperation

According to a press release from the Italian General Secretariat of Defence and National...

PESCO – A Game Changer for ...

Just nine days before the invasion of Ukraine by Russian Forces, in light of...

Towed Active Sonar Systems – a Growing...

In recent years, the proliferation of quiet, conventionally and air independent propulsion submarines and...

Protecting Coastal Infrastructures and Waters from Underwater...

The increasing underwater threat represented by mines and Waterborne Improvised Explosive Devices (WBIED) together...

Naval Ballistic Missile Defence: US, European...

The proliferation of short and intermediate ballistic missile inventories, together with anti-ship ballistic missile threats...

Active Protection Systems and Suite Controllers for...

Adding more slatted armour to combat vehicles to increase protection is burdensome and often...

Naval Fire Support Evolves

Naval fire in support of littoral and deeper in-land operations is registering a significant shift...