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Keyword: RUAG

ARTEMIS programme receives first repatriated Swiss F-5

The first of 22 repatriated Swiss F-5 Tiger II aircraft arrived at the Tactical...

RUAG Protects WEF and URC

RUAG protected both this year's World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos and the Ukraine...

RUAG Introduces 4-in-1 MISSIM (MK3) Test Device

Since the introduction of the MISSIM test device for self-protection systems in 2009, the...

Beretta to Acquire RUAG Ammotee

RUAG International has concluded an agreement on the sale of its Ammotec business unit...

RUAG Expands Maintenance Capacity for Helicopter Components

RUAG is strategically targeting new markets in the helicopter sector and investing in optimising...

Thales to Buy RUAG’s S&T Business

RUAG International has entered into exclusive negotiations with Thales to sell all business activities...

RUAG Receives SAR for Engine Contracts

RUAG has received Source Approval Request (SAR) approval for maintenance and repair work on...

Small Arms Ammunition Developments

A wide variety of ammunition choices is available for military small arms, a category...