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Keyword: Scorpion

The French Army’s SCORPION programme – success...

With numerous procurement and upgrade efforts occurring across the European continent, France’s SCORPION (synergie...

The Role of 4×4 & 6×6 Armoured...

If you were looking to acquire a vehicle at the top of the wheeled...

France Orders 50 Leclerc XLR MBTs

On 29 December 2022, the French Direction Générale de l'Armement (DGA) procurement agency (DGA)...

MMP Launched from JAGUAR

A Missile Moyenne Portée (MMP) medium-range anti-tank missile was launched from the new JAGUAR armoured reconnaissance...

Vehicular Situational Awareness

Shot at, but from where? With technology dominating today’s battlefield, the survivability of vehicles,...

Armour Renaissance in the French Army SCORPION...

The French Army is in the midst of an ambitious transformation effort, the SCORPION...