Milrem Robotics has delivered the first THeMIS Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) to the Spanish Ministry of Defence. The Ministry’s Directorate of Armament and Material awarded the contract for one THeMIS UGV to A.Paukner, S.A., Milrem Robotics’ representative in Spain.

The THeMIS was acquired under the framework of the SCORPION programme launched in early 2021 to evaluate the capabilities of existing UGVs. According to Milrem, the first phase of the programme aims to define a list of missions which could benefit from the use of unmanned ground systems. 

 THeMIS UGV can be configured to undertake various mission types intended to support dismounted troops. In one configuration it can serve as a cargo mule for an infantry squad’s gear, while in a second configuration it can serve as a remotely operated weapons platform in the force protectionrole.

The system was previously deployed to the counter-insurgent operation Barkhane in Mali, making it the first unmannedsystem in its size class deployed to a conflict area. During its deployment, THeMIS was operational for over 330 hours, during which it traversed 1200 km in rugged terrain conditions, and in temperatures approaching 50 °C in the shade.